Anytime I'm given the opportunity to help promote a fellow Okie, especially one who has such an awesome gift of writing, you can bet I will!!
Carla Stewart is the author of Stardust! She takes us back in time and introduces us to Georgia and her two daughters. Georgia learns her husband has been cheating on her and then she learns her husband has died. Can you even imagine?? Georgia has quite the journey as she first learns of the motel she has inherited. She is such a strong woman, a loving woman too. As new "guests" come and go at the Stardust, one day she is faced with a decision... to forgive and move on, or not. From grief and betrayal to forgiveness and peace, Stardust is a wonderful read and if you are like me, you will fall in love with the characters and will hate to turn that last page!!
I must warn you, when you pick up Stardust, you may NOT be able to put it down! or at the very least it will be attached to your arm and will go everywhere with you until you finish it :)
Here is Author, Carla Steward!! You can find her here
Stardust and it's video
Happy reading :)