About the Book:
The lioness rises from her slumber, a magnificent image of strength, passion, and beauty. Her mere presence
commands the landscape, protects her young, and empowers the lion. In groups, lionesses become a creative and strategic force to be reckoned with, acting as one to change the world around them.
You too are a lioness.
In Lioness Arising, author and speaker Lisa Bevere offers the life and image of the lioness as a fierce and tender model for women. Revealing the surprising characteristics of this amazing creature, Lisa challenges women to discover fresh passion, prowess, and purpose.
Learn what it means to:
• be a stunning representation of strength
• fiercely protect the young
• lend your voice to the silenced
• live in the light and hunt in the dark
• raise a collective roar that changes everything
Packed with remarkable insights from nature and a rich depth of biblical references to lionesses, Lioness Arising is a call for women to rise up in strength and numbers to change their world.
Jesus is, after all, the lion of the Tribe of Judah.
We are his lioness arising.
My Review:
I am a HUGE Lisa Bevere fan. I have seen Lisa and her husband John numerous times and the anointing they have is truly amazing! In her book Lioness Arising, Lisa shares about a vision she had back in early 1990. Lisa writes with such passion and truly has a heart for women and for young women as well. Knowing Lisa's testimony and how she was prior to knowing the Lord the fact that she has such a heart is truly from the Lord.
Lisa encourages women to be like a lioness, urging us to awaken and rise, to be strong and wise. For older women to nurture and protect those younger than ourselves, and to speak out for the silent ones. She truly hopes to help us to change and awaken to the calling God has given each and every one of us.
I would rate this book a 3 out of 5 ♥'s Thank you WaterBrook Multnomah Blogging for Books Program for this complimentary issue in exchange for my honest reveiw