I am a HUGE fan of a books COVER! This book "HUCK" sold me from the moment my eyes laid on it!! Isn't he one of the most adorable dogs you have ever seen???
"Huck The Remarkable True Story of How One Last Puppy Taught a Family - and a Whole Town - about Hope and Happy Endings written by Janet Elder is a beautiful story!
Janet's son Michael, longs for a dog for years of his early childhood! He begs, pleads, and does what most little boys do to try and persuade their parents to give in! After years of saying NO, Janet finds herself pondering the idea! Huck is the story of how one family comes together in the face of a Cancer diagnosis and allows the love of one little puppy to teach them and others about Love, kindness and determination! A community comes together in ways that forever change Janet's family and will encourage you as well!
I found Huck to be a very fast read! I am an animal lover myself and fell in love with this sweet little dog named Huck! I would highly recommend this book to everyone! Adults and children alike! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I was allowed to read this book through Crazy-book-tours and will be sending this off to the next recipient on this list! If you are interested in reading Huck go here and check out this wonderful blog and book tour Opportunity! You can fill out the forms available on the blog website and learn all you need to participate there!
All books available for tours are listed on the right side of the blog :)
Huck is available for Pre-Order here @ Amazon and will be available Sept. 28, 2010
Great review! And, yes, that is a VERY cute cover! :-) Sounds good.
I am on the blog tour and can't wait to read it!
How could you not be drawn to that adorable face on the cover? It reminds me of the story of Blind Hope that I reviewed last week. Priceless and found a permanent home in my library! Loved this review.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Great review!! Never heard of Crazy-book-tours, will definitely have to check that one out, sounds fun!!
Sounds like a good book.
AWW! So cute!! A cute dog on a cover always sucks me in!!
Who wouldn't love that face. Sounds like a great book.
Hey Loren,
I stopped by from Book Review Wednesday. What a cute new blog design, I like what you've done to the place! :)
And that book does have an adorable cover!
Oh my goodness, that puppy is so stinking cute! I wonder how Marley-and-Me-ish the book is... ?
I just found your blog on the Hop and I LOVE your background! Did you scan fabric to create it? It looks familiar :)
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