Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned on, but feel free to ignore it, because sometimes life is best lived on its dizzy edges. Your cruising altitude today will be sky high, and you will be flying at staggering speeds as you travel alongside Zoe Tisdale, former Valley Girl and rock star turned bored butter saleswoman.
On the heels of a brush with mortality, Zoe concludes that she’s been letting time pass her by. Realizing she needs to awaken her life’s tired refrains, Zoe vows to recapture the one chapter of her life that truly mattered to her – her days as drummer for The Flip-Flops, a spirited, sassy all-girl garage band that almost hit the big time back in 1987. But reuniting the band won’t be easy. The girls who were once the whiz kid guitarist, the prom queen bass player, and the hippie lead singer grew up and became women who are now a reclusive dog trainer, a wealthy socialite, and a sociopathic environmentalist. Will Zoe bring the band back together and give The Flip-Flops a second chance at stardom? Is it possible to fully reclaim the urgent energy of youth?
As you follow this wild flight path, please know that your destination could be anywhere at all, complimentary oxygen is provided upon request, and baggage flies free. We hope you enjoy the ride, and Thank You For Flying Air Zoe.
Erik Atwell started his writing career in grammar school, where a one page history class assignment ballooned into a forty page fictional account of a politically controversial silversmith in Boston circa 1776. Daring to follow up such an auspicious debut, he later graduated to short stories while living in New Hampshire, screenplays upon moving to Los Angeles, then finally novels when he ultimately landed in Seattle. He is currently gearing up to escape city life and return home to New Hampshire with his rock-star wife and eight month-old son, whose only musical claim to fame thus far is sleeping through an entire Go-Go’s concert. But in his defense, he was three weeks old, and the stage was a quarter-mile away. Thank You For Flying Air Zoe is his first novel, and he hopes to write a second novel before the little guy is old enough to read it.
And yes, he was once in a band. For twelve minutes.
It wasn't pretty.
To purchase Thank you for Flying Air Zoe, you can go here
To find Erik:
His Facebook is here
His Blog is here
What a Fun read! I just love when you can connect with a character and Zoe is definitely someone I connected with right away! Zoe is faced with a situation that causes her to really reflect on her life. You know the saying, "IF you always do what you've always done, you'll always be what you've always been." How many people say they want to change, but sadly, they never do? Well, Zoe wasn't happy with where she was, and so she did something about it!
Zoe has some great BFF's. Back in the day, they were all in a band together. Zoe really hopes to reunite the band and play @ the Whisky. It would be, a lifelong dream fulfilled, if they did it. Going back in time and learning more about these girls, and their band was so much fun and certainly brought about some of my own memories.
It was such a treat to be able to read and review this book! I was so inspired and enjoyed every page! This is Erik Atwell's debut novel! WOW- What a great way to kick off your career as an author!! Hands down, Heart of a Bookworm rates this a 5 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥'s
Thank you SO MUCH TLC Booktours for allowing me this complimentary book in exchange for my honest review! I will be recommending this one to EVERYONE!!
♥Happy Reading♥

Hi Loren... Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review my novel.
Or should I say thank you for flying? ;)
Thrilled you enjoyed the story, and as a debut author, I can't be glowing any more about your review's high praise. Here's hoping I'm not a one hit wonder!
All best & thanks again,
Erik Atwell
I really enjoy the title for this book. It is different and would get more than one glance from me. I am also glad to hear you enjoyed Zoe. I might have to check this book out at some point.
What a GREAT summertime read!
Thanks for being on the tour.
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